It’s The Little Things – Bumpdate

Time for another one of these little “bumpdates”, don’t you think?  We started at “8 weeks” (really 9ish) and then we had “12 weeks” (really 14ish) and now we finally have “16 weeks” (really 18ish).  What I do know for sure is I have GOT to get better about taking these pictures because they are only going to get closer together!!!

So here we go – the next little bumpdate – things are actually starting to get exciting!!!


Baby Princess Olaf 12 Week “Bumpdate”

Weight Gain: 10 pounds.  Not bad – I think it’s pretty average for 4 months, right?  I will be completely brutally honest here in telling you that I am having a REALLY hard time with this, but I know logically in my head that it is okay… I just still really struggle with it.  She is only 7 ounces and the size of a sweet potato.  I know I know I know its okay and you are supposed to gain weight but for someone who spent soooo much time losing 60 lbs and then has spent the past 5 years trying so so so hard to keep it off….. it’s a mental mind f**k.

Stretch Marks:  None yet – I started using this oil after showers to stop any.  Hopefully it works.  I have seen some… but I think they are old ones that I am just now noticing.  I did get a lot when I was heavier back in the day…

Movement: Yup!!  I felt my first real kick a week or so ago, but it hasn’t  happened again since then.  I think it was a fluke.  I am still feeling little tingles and twitches – I would like to feel her move more so I can stop freaking out that she doesn’t really exist.  I know it will happen soon enough though… and I’ll probably get pretty sick of it too!

How I’m Feeling: Fab, as usual.  I know I am lucky.  I do think the 2nd trimester has been harder than the first.  I am just now starting to get mildly uncomfortable, and I am still tired most of the time… but overall I am good!

Sleep: Actually getting a bit better.  Since we bought the house, we have decided to wait on the king size bed – which sucks – but I’ll live.  I can still sleep on my stomach and back, but it’s starting to get uncomfortable.  I am trying to sleep mostly on my left side like all the books say, but really however I get comfortable is how I stay.  The good news is I am actually sleeping in a bit later than 4 am now – which is a total blessing.

Food: Improving, slowly.  Still having the same issues as before – I’m eating good things – just way too much of them.  And I really need to stay away from candy… Mostly I am ready for us to be in our new house.  Something about my kitchen makes me hate cooking.  I don’t even know what I’m making for dinner tonight, and that is way odd.

Workouts: Getting there.  I do have a “plan” set in place for the next few weeks and I am going to follow it as best as I can, allowing myself to take breaks when I want them.  For instance this morning – was supposed to do 40 minutes of strength (DVD) but my legs are sore from yesterday’s 20 minutes of strength (weights) and so I slept in.  I may do a Pregnancy Yoga DVD when I get home tonight, but may not if my legs still hurt!

Maternity Clothes:  I am still all about maternity leggings.  I did buy a few maternity workout tops and two dresses on clearance at Motherhood the other day – but really all my stuff is just bigger regular clothes.  I think I’ll be able to pull that off for at least 2 more months!

Baby Items:  I have officially started SHOPPING.  Princess Olaf needs ALL THE THINGS!!!  I have only gotten clothes and diapers so far… once we’re in the house I’ll start buying STUFF.

Best Moment This Week: Feeling that kick.

Looking Forward To: June 26th.  The next sonogram!  (& we also close on the house that afternoon!!!)

I don’t think my face is getting fatter… just my tummy and maybe my arms a little bit… so that’s good!!

Be sure to check out Jess and Ashley‘s blogs for other wonderful ladies linking up for “It’s the Little Things!”


6 thoughts on “It’s The Little Things – Bumpdate

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