Fitness Friday Link-Up

HAPPY FRIDAY!!  Yesterday was a fantastic day off.  I got a lot done, without doing much… which was the perfect blend of a day.  The baby looks great, we got a ton of sonogram pictures, and I got to spend some down time with the mister and my family.  I was also able to squeeze in a mid-afternoon cat nap and who doesn’t love those?!?

I’m also still glowing from my run-aversary this week… those numbers still boggle my mind!  If you would have told me 10 years ago that this is who I would become… I wouldn’t believe you.

Monday: Swim 600 yards, Run 30 minutes.

TuesdayBike 15 miles.  Bike 12 miles.

Wednesday: Swim 600 yards, Walk 45 minutes.

Thursday: Rest

Friday: Run 60 minutes.  Rest

SaturdayBike 20 miles, Walk 30 minutes.  Vineyard 5K!

Sunday: Rest!  Bike 15 miles, Walk 30 minutes.

As you can see, I’m mixing it up again this week.  I was totally planning on getting about 4.5 miles in this morning, even with the race tomorrow… but my body is telling me no.  So, I’m listening.  Even though it’s really hard.  Plus… with Texas race season in FULL swing, It’s difficult to stick to my exact schedule and fit in all the races!  I know that a rest day is just as important as a run day, and so I need to get two in this week.  Even if they are back to back.  I am really excited about the race tomorrow… and I am totally bummed I won’t be able to do the wine tasting after.  But it’s all good… soon enough!

Next week starts a taper down to the triathlon and I CAN NOT believe it’s finally here.  Have any of you competed in one before?  I’m not too terribly nervous… I am a little bit about the transition area and the whole logistics part of the event.  I’m hoping there will be some people at the expo and packet pickup that can talk me through it.

After this triathlon……. I got nothin’.  I found another triathlon 10 weeks from now that I really want to do – but my family has expressed concern about me on a bike.  Well… about other people around me on a bike and me falling off the bike.  I calmly explained that I am just as prone to falling on my own two feet…….. but they’re right.  My dad said he would relay that triathlon with me and he would do the bike part, but I don’t know.  I had a 10K on the list too… but I am going to be out of town.  I just don’t know what my next goal will be and it’s bothering me.

I know, I know, I know… my next big goal is to have a baby.  But that is 6 months from now!

Speaking of Olaf…

Is that not the cutest blurry black and white baby shaped blob you have ever seen?!?!?!  The baby’s is pouting in this picture sticking out its little bottom lip and I can’t get enough of it.  At one point during the sonogram, baby had its hand up by its face and it looked like it had a giant beak of a nose.  It scared me for a second but then it moved and it’s a totally normal sized nose thank god.  Also???  The pressure is officially on… we can find out if Olaf is a HE or a SHE at the next appointment.  EEK!!

Thanks to Jill Conyers for hosting the link-up!  Be sure to stop by and check out her awesome blog and the other blogs participating this week!

12 thoughts on “Fitness Friday Link-Up

  1. Awwww, cutie picture!! LOVE!!! You’re going to rock your triathlon!! I compete in run-swim-runs and they’re so much fun!! I don’t enjoy biking outside, so I’ve never done a triathlon (although I’ve thought about it a lot). 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about your experience!! Transitions can be tricky but you’ll get it down!!

  2. I just did my first tri a couple of weeks ago (and just barely did the recap on my blog). I was super nervous about the transition but it’s not bad at all. The one thing I didn’t do but should have was open my gu/chomp packets before the race. I tried to do this in transition but with the nerves and post-swim wet hands, it was a mess! Lesson learned 🙂

  3. EEP!!!! ANATOMY SCAN!!!!! Please please please let us guess on your blog! I’m so excited to find out. That is a beautiful sono picture. Olaf is adorable already! The next 6 months are going to FLY!

    • OKAY! If we decide to find out I’ll find out a way to make some kind of poll on here or something. If we do find out then we’re going to do some sort of reveal with just family… I REALLY HOPE he decides to find out!!!

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